Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Sell Accessories to a Consignment Shop

How to Sell Accessories to a Consignment Shop

Consignment stores are always looking for first-rate accessories. If you have scarves, handbags or costume jewelry that you no longer wear, consider consigning them to earn some extra cash.

Things You'll Need:

Vintage Clothes

Vintage Shoes

Phone Directories


Collect all of the scarves that you no longer wear. Silk print scarves and pashminas are in demand year-round.


Take a look at your costume and casual jewelry. Earrings and necklaces are better sellers than bracelets and rings.


Look through your collection of day and evening handbags. Designer bags, as well as those with unique materials and trims, will attract the most attention.


Check the yellow pages under "resale," "secondhand," "clothes" or "consignment." Call each consignment shop and ask if it consigns accessories, making appointments with those that do.


Show items that are in good condition. Scarves should be free of stains and tears; costume jewelry free of nicks and chips; and purse handles and closures in working order.


Have a sales associate explain the store's policy. Typically, items are kept for a period of 30 to 60 days. Non-selling items will be returned to you, while those that sell will earn you a portion of the selling price.


Keep a record of what you consign. If you don't hear from the store, make a note to call a few days before your selling period ends. Depending on the store, you may receive cash, credit or a check.

Tips & Warnings

Some consignment stores consign hair accessories and hats. Ask about each store's specialties.

Keep your consignment receipt in a safe place. This is your only link to the items you've left behind.

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